Advancing Association Leadership &
Congress Management

Advancing Association Leadership &
Congress Management
Why Join AC Forum?
Members are the heart of AC Forum. AC Forum membership supports the highest level of association and congress management through an open exchange of knowledge, expertise and experiences. We provide our members with multiple forums to freely interact with peers facing comparable opportunities and challenges in the association and congress industry in an environment that is confidential, trusting and free from commercial influence.
AC Forum is exclusively for and by associations, and membership is for supranational, self-managed, non-profit associations.
AC Forum Members
Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting 2025 will take place in Glasgow, 16-18 January.
If you are a convention bureau interested in showcasing your city to major associations, apply to host the AC Forum Annual Meeting. Hosting our Annual Meeting gives an unrivalled opportunity to (re-)introduce your city to our members.
Education is a cornerstone of AC Forum and is at the core of what we do. In addition to the Annual Meeting, workshops, webinars and campfire meetings provide education on specific topics for association staff and allow member associations to connect with each other.
We are dedicated to delivering valuable, meaningful education and strive to continually improve our educational offerings and knowledge curation for our members. Educational events are often member-led, and offer an unrivalled opportunity for peer exchange and expert education on focused topics.
President’s Message
Hard to believe that it was only a week ago that we were all together in Hamburg for our AC Forum Annual Meeting. Maybe it was because I was seeing things with my incoming president’s eyes, but I had the distinct impression that our community’s feeling of belonging has never been stronger. Starting the year with a hundred or more people with the same hopes, challenges and drive is a real a privilege, that is something that I heard again and again from so many people in so many different ways. The most striking thing is that I could sense the same sort of enthusiasm from people with such a variety of roles, ages, specialties and backgrounds. When asked what I hope for AC Forum over the next two years the simple answer is “more please”. More opportunities to get together, more bright ideas to share, more issues to square up to and more conversations to relish. This will mean that even more of us need to get actively actively involved. So why not ask a question on Basecamp, suggest a topic for a Campfire session, send a colleague to a Workshop, submit an abstract for the Annual Meeting or why not write to me about that open AC Forum Board position – let’s make our 26th year together a year to remember!
Joint ESAE-AC Forum Webinar ‘The Pros and Cons for Outsourcing’
A joint webinar with ESAE, ‘The Pros and Cons for Outsourcing’, takes place on 26 March, 08.30-10.00 EST / 13.30-15.00 UTC / 14.30-16.00 CET. Should your Association outsource or keep
Save the date! Workshop on scientific publishing
A workshop on scientific publishing will take place on 19 & 20 June at the ERA office in Parma. More details about the programme will follow.
Joint ESAE-AC Forum Webinar ‘The Pros and Cons for Outsourcing’
A joint webinar with ESAE, ‘The Pros and Cons for Outsourcing’, takes place on 26 March, 08.30-10.00 EST / 13.30-15.00 UTC / 14.30-16.00 CET. Should your Association outsource or keep